Valentine’s Day and Divorce: Could Be Blessing In Disguise – This goes for newly separated couples too
Valentine’s Day and Divorce. Long ago during the Middle Ages, this day was a time when courting was in full bloom and was largely associated with love and romance. While Valentine’s Day (Saint Valentine’s Day) was originally a liturgical celebration and a feast day, it slowly emerged as a day where lovers expressed their love through gifts. Today, the day is mostly recognized as a Hallmark Holiday as it has evolved to become super commercialized. Yet, people who do not have Valentines are left feeling sad and lonely. Valentine’s Day and Divorce somehow seem to not fit together. This day can be depressing because not only are you feeling alone but you may also be grieving the failed relationship or marriage. Hang out with your dog, the dog will always be appreciative of your time and attention. Furthermore, Valentine’s Day can also be a day of SELF-LOVE.
However, Valentine’s Day and Divorce may be a better combination than you would have initially assumed. Valentine’s Day and divorce are difficult enough as it is so here are a few tips to enjoy this day as a divorcee or newly separated person.
Spend Your Money Where You Want To: Buy Yourself a Valentine’s Day Gift – This goes for anyone that is alone on Valentines .. Treat Yourself to a great DAY!
Many people believe that divorced or separated couples experience trauma during the process. What about the months (or even years) of sadness and loneliness that you suffered during your marriage? Also, if you had the failing marriage, the chances are that your ex-didn’t put much thought into the gifts they bought for you and if they were beautiful gifts, you are now reminded of your ex whenever you use, which truly sucks. This Valentine’s Day grants you the opportunity to go out and buy yourself something beautiful because you deserve it and you can. Yes, I said you could. If money is tight, write yourself a promissory note and eat a sinful cupcake instead. Valentine’s Day and Divorce have upsides!
Read this article featured in HuffPost – Divorced but Loving it!

Feel Good About Yourself on Valentine’s Day: Get Physical – Commit to your Health!
After a divorce, some people fall into the slump where they put themselves last on their priority list. This Valentine’s Day, make sure you do something physical or active. This could be going for a walk or run around Raleigh, or even trying a new yoga studio. Other options would also include getting a massage, a haircut, or a new outfit is possibilities are endless. All in all, do something that makes you feel good about yourself this Valentine’s Day.
Don’t Just Sit At Home On Valentine’s Day! Make Plans!
Divorce should not mean you no longer have outlets. One of the worst things you can do is stay home, watch a LOVE movie by yourself and just wait for the day to end – It will be a LONG day! Instead, get all of your single friends together at someone’s house (invite your married friends too) or go to a restaurant as a group. If you don’t have any single friends and your married friends have plans, throw on jeans and a shirt and go out. Your expectations will be more aligned with reality than most of the couples on Valentine’s Day. Valentine’s Day and Divorce do not have to be a day of mourning and negative emotions.
Valentine’s Day and Divorce with Children

If you have kids, one of the best things you can do for yourself (and them) is to make Valentine’s Day a family day. (maybe you have to trick your teenagers to get off their i-phones and pads for a few hours). Depending on what your divorce agreement states and if you have your children on that day, you should take advantage of the holiday, if you do have your child(ren). Spend the day making desserts and their favorite dinner meal. Instead of having to be about romantic love, make the day about familial love! Plan to take them to a show or movie that night, depending on their age you could even go to a concert or musical depending on where you live. Remember, don’t make it a day of torture for you or your kids. If you do not have the children that day, don’t feel sorry for yourself, go out, to a movie with a friend, go to get a spa treatment, yes you are going to pay more, but it is so worth it.
What to remember when it comes to Valentine’s Day

It’s just another freaking commercial holiday. If you survived the holidays, whether in your unhappy marriage or already divorced, then you can make it through Valentine’s Day. Instead of focusing on the fact that you do not have a committed romantic partner, treat yourself the way you want to be treated on Valentine’s Day. Try to focus on all the positive aspects, understand that there is more to life in the future. Surround yourself with folks who care about you and don’t dwell on your temporary circumstances. Divorce is hard, so don’t make it harder on yourself and your family.
If you live in the Marietta area and need an Attorney to help you with your Divorce, Child Custody, Child support, or Adoption Process, contact Sean Whitworth.