13 ACTIONS you should avoid when you are newly separated! Going through a Divorce? There are rules newly separated couples need to follow while going through the divorce proceedings. Newly separated folks often do and say things that they will regret in the future. Emotional outbursts and acts in the name of…
DISCOVERY AND THE OBLIGATION OF PARTIES TO SUPPLY REQUESTED DOCUMENTS Is your Lawyer billing you hourly? Choose your lawyer carefully and read this article to find out more. One of the most frustrating matters in litigation, and especially family litigation, is the use and misuse of what is commonly called discovery.…
How To Enforce Child Support in Georgia The first step is to educate yourself by reading about the law in your state, then hire a qualified Family Law Attorney that can help you enforce child support effectively. There are a number of legal actions you can consider if the parent…
One of the most disturbing things I hear is that they have paid someone thousands and thousands of dollars, depleted their retirement funds and they are still seeking resolution to their problem. I am sickened by the incentives inherent in this profession that reward non-resolution of problems at the financial…
Many times I meet potential clients and find myself extremely disappointed in some of the things they tell me in their efforts when hiring attorneys. As the profession becomes ever more crowded and the competition ever more fierce for clients able to afford representation it has become increasingly common to…
In Georgia the courts can appoint and the attorneys can request that a third party individual be appointed to represent the interests of a child during a custody matter. This individual is usually an attorney who is meets certain criteria to represent the children in a custody dispute. Much like…
Dharun Ravi has been sentenced to 30 days in jail for setting up a webcam in the Rutgers University dorm room that he shared with Tyler Clementi so that he and follow students could watch while Mr. Clementi had sex with another man. Ravi’s actions resulted in convictions for 15…
A Los Angeles jury convicted Pedro Espinoza of first degree murder for the senseless and tragic killing of Jamiel Shaw. (LA Times, 10 May 2012; p. AA1). Espinoza, a recently-paroled gangster, killed Jamiel Shaw in the mistaken belief that the red backpack that Shaw was wearing indicated that Shaw was…
The federal Fair Sentencing Act of 2010 significantly reduced the sentences for defendants who are convicted of violating the crack cocaine laws. Should the sentences that the new Act provides for be given to defendants who were convicted before the Act was passed, but who have not yet been sentenced?…
In Florence v. County of Burlington (2012) the US Supreme Court ruled (by a vote of 5-4) that jailers have a general right to strip search all arrestees, even those arrested for minor offenses such as vehicle code violations. Strip searches are valid under the Fourth Amendment even if jailers…